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Snowpack monitoring system

The NivWatch™ represents a significant advancement in snowpack monitoring.
As a measurement mast directly implanted in avalanche paths, it provides crucial information via the SAFETY-cs software for effective management before, during, and after avalanche triggering.

  • Real-time information
  • Energy self-sufficiency


Snowpack monitoring system

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#1 Snow depth measurement

Automatic measurement of snow depth using a laser measurement system, eliminating the need for manual actions.

#2 Seismic analysis

Detailed seismic measurements of avalanches, allowing real-time confirmation of their triggering, duration, and magnitude.

#3 Energy self-sufficiency

Self-sufficient in energy throughout the season thanks to its solar panels.


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Our services work in perfect synergy to offer you and your customers responsiveness, fluidity and optimal service.

  • Installation and commissioning
  • Training and operational support
  • Maintenance, inspection and overhaul
  • Retrofitting and modernization
  • Technical assistance
  • Original spare parts

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