Home · Newsroom · Huy cable car: helicopter transport of materials to the construction site in Belgium
Huy cable car: helicopter transport of materials to the construction site in Belgium
MND News 05 · 01 · 2023

Huy cable car: helicopter transport of materials to the construction site in Belgium

On Thursday 1 December, the heli-lift operations to transport the materials for repairing and upgrading the cable car pylons took place.

Thanks to favorable weather conditions, the Ecureuil B3 helicopter was able to transport 4 pylons, each weighing 900 kilos, cables and metal structures to the Sarte hill, site of the cable car construction site in Huy city, in Belgium. A large-scale operation that the people of Hutten were able to admire for an hour from the banks of the Meuse river.

The heliborne equipment will be used to assemble a blondin, a cable transport dedicated to construction sites and industrial infrastructures, made by MND, which will allow to move the work materials for the next stages of the operations at the top of the Fort of Huy: reinforcement of the existing installations, consolidation of one of the pylons and replacement of the one on the Sarte hill.

The new cable car system should be operational as planned for the second half of 2023.

Photo: Grégory Halliday


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