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Innovation: MND SAFETY unveils its new snowpack monitoring system, the NivWatch™
MND News 24 · 05 · 2024

Innovation: MND SAFETY unveils its new snowpack monitoring system, the NivWatch™

On the occasion of the Mountain Planet trade show, MND presented its new snowpack monitoring solution, developed by the MND SAFETY teams and entirely manufactured in France.

A measurement mast implanted directly in avalanche paths, the NivWatch™ provides crucial information via the SAFETY-cs software for effective management before, during, and after avalanche events.


The NivWatch™ offers automatic snow height measurement using a laser measurement system, eliminating the need for manual actions. It also provides detailed seismic measurements of avalanches, allowing real-time confirmation of an avalanche’s trigger, duration, and magnitude. Finally, the NivWatch™ is energy autonomous throughout the season thanks to its solar panels, ensuring continuous and reliable operation regardless of weather conditions.


Committed to an innovative approach, the MND SAFETY design office worked for over three years on this new technology. Initially, they focused on a snow height measurement mast, then subsequently integrated the AvaWatch™ into the mast, thus creating the NivWatch™, after completely redesigning the electronics and software.

Tested and proven both in workshops and real-world conditions at the Les Ménuires resort, the NivWatch™ underwent numerous tests before being brought to market. This innovation was made possible thanks to MND’s chain of expertise, ensuring the study, design, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance are all centralized at the production site in Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac, where engineering teams collaborate on all stages of development.

With the NivWatch™, MND once again demonstrates its commitment to innovation and sustainability by offering cutting-edge technology for avalanche monitoring and management, thereby ensuring increased safety for mountainous areas.

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