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Gazex in Chile: Essential protection for miners at high altitudes
MND News 18 · 03 · 2024

Gazex in Chile: Essential protection for miners at high altitudes

In the mountainous regions of Chile, where open-pit mines operate at altitudes of over 4000 meters, worker safety is an absolute priority. Faced with potential risks of avalanches and other natural hazards, reliable solutions are essential to ensure the safety of those building the future of the mining industry.

This is where MND Safety comes in. In partnership with our local collaborator Pucara, we have implemented our Gazex systems to secure operations in these extreme conditions. These installations provide crucial protection against avalanches, enabling workers to safely access different areas of the mine, regardless of weather conditions.

Our commitment to worker safety is ingrained in the DNA of MND. We are proud to play an active role in protecting our customers.


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Pucara Los Pelambres

Pucara Los Pelambres | Chile

Gazex | Since 1991
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