
As living places, cities are always evolving according to their rhythm.

In our cities that are constantly on the move, the stakes of mobility and leisure are levers for making them more attractive thanks to offers that create fluidity and added value, accessible to all.

As it grows in height, cable transportation frees itself from traffic and offers an efficient, safe and reliable mode of transportation that blends seamlessly into the urban landscape. With a limited carbon footprint, it is part of a vision of a more efficient and sustainable city serving its residents.


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Our vision of ropeway transportation

An efficient, tailor-made and sustainable way to make all territories and tourist sites accessible by integrating perfectly into the landscape. This specific equipment with one or two high-capacity cabins adapts to all types of topography and obstacle clearance.

Our range of solutions

Developing the mobility of tomorrow

Designed to integrate and connect to a city’s existing intermodal transport network, CABLINE ® is a fully automatic system with self-propelled cabins moving over ropes at speeds of up to 45 km per hour. Supported by the French government (ADEME), this technology uses a minimalist infrastructure easy and fast to implement while offering the same benefits of obstacle clearance, small footprint and energy optimization as traditional ropeway transportation. The CABLINE ® autonomous vehicle system allows for rapid maintenance operations adapted to the urban public transport stakes.

Discover our realisations

Discover our references MND Ropeways
Discover our references MND Ropeways

In our cities that are constantly on the move, mobility is a major issue.

By flying over the obstacles, ropeway transportation is no longer held down by traffic. It offers an efficient, safe, and reliable transportation solution that can  seamlessly integrate into any urban environment. As experts in this technology, MND imagines customized solutions to ensure more fluid, efficient and sustainable cities.

Ropeway transportation is:

  • A mode answering multiple urban uses
  • A mode with many advantages
  • A mode meeting the city’s needs


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