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Opening of a new 4-season footbridge in Haute Maurienne
MND News 06 · 07 · 2023

Opening of a new 4-season footbridge in Haute Maurienne

It is in Bramans, a town located near Val Cenis in Haute Maurienne, that a new MND Himalayan footbridge was inaugurated on Tuesday July 4, in the presence of local and Italian elected officials.

It is within the framework of the cross-border project of development and tourist diversification ALCOTRA AMB.ENIS for the development of sustainable tourism in the Val d’Ambin, in collaboration with the municipality of Giaglione (Italy) and the Mountain Union of the Upper Valley of Susa, that this new suspended footbridge was inaugurated on Tuesday 4 July. It crosses the Gorges d’Ambin, suspended at a height of more than 80 meters, and measures 62 meters long and 90cm wide.

Built by the French industrial group MND, this infrastructure, open all year round, provides access to various tourist activities in both summer and winter: cross-country ski trails, snowshoe trails, via ferrata, ice climbing, or even bivouacs, ensuring the link with the local economy and the tourist diversification of this mountain territory, while respecting the environment.

The design and manufacture were carried out by MND on its production site based in Savoie in Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac. The on-site installation was carried out in close collaboration with various partners: Jamen / FFT, Alpes Ingénierie as well as the CAN group. Project management was provided by the firm Géolithe.

As part of its service portfolio, MND teams also worked on the Via Ferrata routes which were restored and improved before they were reopened to the public.

About the European program Interreg – Alcotra

Interreg ALCOTRA is a program funded by the European Union which aims to strengthen cohesion between French and Italian border regions. ALCOTRA is financed by the FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) and provides support for projects that contribute to the economic and social growth of the Franco-Italian cross-border territories.

The main objective of the project is to direct towards sustainable tourism a territory characterized by sites of natural and cultural interest and by hiking and ski mountaineering routes, both of cross-border value. The project aims to change the current situation, characterized by a fragmented tourist offer concentrated on a few sites, towards an extended space on both sides of the border where, by preserving the areas of greatest interest and greatest sensitivity environmental, there are new services and infrastructures for sports and recreational activities in the open air according to a “4-season” logic.

Source: Commune de Val Cenis

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