Home · Newsroom · MND gets committed to the „Club des entreprises“ of Savoie, in France
MND gets committed to the
MND News 16 · 11 · 2022

MND gets committed to the "Club des entreprises" of Savoie, in France

In the presence of the Prefect of Savoie, François RAVIER, MND was one of the 21 companies that signed the charter guaranteeing efforts to recruit people who are far from the work sphere.

While recruitment is a major current issue, this charter makes it possible to revive the dynamics of this community of companies around voluntary and concrete commitments to reaffirm their role in the social cohesion of the territory. Between now and September 2023, ten or so thematic workshops will be organised to enable members to share their good practices, provide technical insight on specific subjects and draw inspiration from each other.

For Julien Rouland, Director of Human Resources & CSR at MND „MND is convinced that the strength of this collective can be an added value to provide sustainable responses to recruitment issues. To detect new talent, we are committed to recruiting differently, to transform our approach and to be part of a local approach with a national scope. On a personal note, I am involved in mentoring students through the „My Job Glasses“ scheme, which gives students direct access to experienced professionals.

According to the charter, MND is involved in several actions in favour of youth employment, including :

  • Integration of the steering committee of the „Horizon 9“ event to prepare the second edition of the Job Festival, to be held next April in Grenoble, after a first successful edition before Mountain Planet in 2022 ;
  • Signing of a partnership with the University of Savoie Mont-Blanc to allow the various schools that make up the university to come and discover its professions on site and to have professionals intervene in the various courses offered. MND will also participate in the student forums to be held on 8 and 10 November on the Chambéry and Annecy campuses ;
  • In collaboration with Ecoris, a training organisation specialising in work-study programmes, MND welcomes around ten apprentices and work-study studentseach year. In the majority of cases, a permanent job is concluded at the end of the apprenticeship cycle for an integration and training programme at MND from A to Z ;
  • Support of profiles far from employment via the Second Chance School with which MND is in contact.

Launched in 2018, the French State’s „Companies are committed“ scheme brings together companies throughout France that are working towards a more inclusive society within their home territories.

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